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Holistic Esthetician Nicolette Binafard Shows Us How To Maximize Our Skincare

In the game of skincare, where trends often come and go, there is one name in LA that stands out for her commitment to holistic beauty and transformative treatments – Nicolette Binafard. With a reputation for impeccable facials and an ethos centered around holistic skincare, Nicolette Skin Studio has become a beacon for those seeking radiant, healthy skin. Giving glowy facials to beauties like Elizabeth Sawatzky and Liz Tenuto, we were able to sit down with Nicolette to delve into her world of skincare, uncovering her journey, approach to facials, and the truth behind some common skincare myths.


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The LA Girl: Nikki, your skin studio has become a staple in the LA beauty scene. Can you share with us how you got started in the world of esthetics?

Nicolette Binafard: My journey began with my own acne struggles. Between myriad products, facials and derm appointments in my early 20s, nothing seemed to be working to clear my stubborn cheek and forehead breakouts. I eventually enrolled in Esthetician school on my quest for clear skin, and soon after, apprenticed for an acne-specializing facialist. As I delved deeper into optimal skin ingredients and lifestyle habits, I began to help others clear their skin, as I cleared my own. Starting out, I wanted to create a space where clients feel comfortable—we forget how vulnerable we are under a bright light with our skin on full display. My practice fuses cozy with happy skin results

The LA Girl: When it comes to facials, what are some of the core principles you follow to ensure your clients get the most out of their treatments?

Nicolette Binafard: Each facial begins with a thorough skin analysis. It’s collaborative in that I am always asking clients their main concerns, both immediate and long-term. Lately, I’ve had a wave of brides-to-be wanting to prep, plump and home-care responsibly ahead of their big day. Gauging the skin’s condition, I customize the facial protocol for correction using bespoke ingredients and therapies. A thorough, multi-step cleanse is always essential. Often, I add LED for all clients to recharge skin cells, promote healing and induce collagen. I apply this notion to my facials: treat all skin as if it were my own. 

The LA Girl: Love this! Now let’s talk do’s and don’t’s. What are some essential do’s and don’t’s for maintaining healthy skin?


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Nicolette: Do’s: Cleanse. A good cleanser shouldn’t make you feel tight or dry after use. I prefer to start my day with a cold water cleanse, and, more importantly, finish the day with a double cleanse. It’s the most underrated step of your skincare routine. Cleanse twice in a row with the same gentle cleanser, I’m loving Sofie Pavitt’s Clean Clean Cleanser – or bring in a more exfoliating cleanser (Glymed’s Idyllic Cleanser for a hit of mandelic acid) as your second. The first wipes away dirt and SPF from the day, and the second, actually cleanses the skin. Ice. A free and easy tool, take a soft-edged ice cube and gently rub around your face for a minute or 2 after a cleanse. Great for waking up the face and soothing redness/inflammation. Change your pillowcase often. Sleep on one side a night, then toss in the wash. If you’re not washing your hair daily, product buildup can linger on your pillowcase and impact your skin. Eat clean, whole foods. For overall skin health, avoid the processed stuff, gluten, dairy, refined sugar and alcohol– also a good rule of thumb to follow when your skin needs a reset. 

Don’t’s: Don’t Overdo It. Avoid using too many products. Cleanser, moisturizer and SPF are the bare minimum. From there, exfoliants and serums can be brought in to help correct and repair, and also should be kept simple.Don’t use fragrance in skincare. It’s working against you, not for you. It can be endocrine disrupting and sensitizing. Just not necessary! Don’t TikTok your skincare. You already knew this. Don’t Neglect Sleep: Skin is in repair mode while we sleep, so ensure you’re feeding it nutritious skincare and getting quality z’s, also called, “beauty sleep.”


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The LA Girl: Okay, so there’s a lot of conflicting information out there about skincare. What are some common myths you hear/see and what’s the truth behind them?

Nicolette Binafard: One major myth is that you can “shrink your pores.” You can reduce their appearance, but it’s anatomically impossible to shrink their size. Another common misconception is that you can skip SPF on cloudy days; UV rays can penetrate windows, so sunscreen is a year-round necessity. Lastly, people often think facial oils come before moisturizer in the skincare sequence, but oil goes on as the final step to “lock” in moisturizer.  

The LA Girl: Okay, this is golden info. As we wrap up, do you have any final tips for those looking to elevate their skincare routine?

Nicolette Binafard: Focus on understanding your skin and what it truly needs. Invest in quality products and treatments that cater to your specific concerns, and remember that skincare is a journey, not a quick fix. I always suggest embracing a holistic approach, and your skin will thrive for it!

Expertise and wisdom that’s worth it. If you’re those looking to transform your skincare routine, book an appointment HERE with Nicolette! Also check out our other fave skincare studio.