I have always believed that women are the most beautiful creatures on this planet, so I’m very excited to introduce you to my friend, Saba Tekle. She is a publisher who makes the process of self publishing easy for authors and her best-selling co-authored book series, “20 Beautiful Women” features bloggers, authors, life coaches, mentors and speakers.
She was inspired to give women a voice and empower them by sharing their stories and bring women together. Since the release of Vol, 1 it has been featured in popular media sites like Buzzfeed, HLN’s The Daily Share, won an award, and become a movement and a blog in The Huffington Post. It also inspired over a million women to participate in the #20beautifulwomen challenge.
Where are you from?
I am from the Seattle, WA where we are famous for the rain but the almost year round dark cloud that floats over it pushed me to move to sunny LA.
What brought you to Los Angeles?
The sun, the people, and the energy. Since I have moved I have meet some like minded ambitious women like yourself and I love that about this beautiful city.
What’s your favorite thing about LA?
The sun (lol) have I stated that enough…. I also love that there is always something new to see, someone new to meet and something fun to do.
What about LA inspires you?
It’s call the city of dreams for a reason and I love dreamers. The dreamers inspire me. They give me “life” and it pushes me to do more and to be more.
Who is your favorite person in LA?
That’s kinda tough to answer since I am still fairly new here… I guess I could say Eddie AKA DJ Bermuda he also moved here from Seattle, so it is good having someone like family here that knows everyone and know’s what’s the thing to do.
Where is your favorite place to go in LA?
I have several favorite places…. I like West Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Venice, Redondo…. But I also love being home, home tops it all.
What has been your favorite LA experience?
July 4th stands out. I ended up staying in because I was wiped out from the night before. But I decided to get up since my apartments allows access to the roof – I went up not expecting much. When I got up there most of my neighbors were there and we could see the fireworks from where we were to Downtown – it was amazing to say the least.
Also June 9th, when I accepted my “20 Beautiful Women” award for best script at the New Media Festival. I won the opportunity to submit for at Cici Woo’s Chew On This storytelling event, and it lead me to be accepted and then winning. By far one best things that has happened to me while living here.
You can find Saba Tekle on:
Twitter @sabatekle
Instagram @saba_tekle
Facebook /sabatekle7